Monday, February 06, 2006

First Day of the Week

Today is monday, after the seemingly everylasting dull and prosaic weekend, the exciting and colourful school days are finally here. Despite the fact that I was late today, I could almost imagine the jubilation and ecstasy of my classmates as they squealed the nation anthem and school song loudly and proudly! It appeared that the blazing passion of everyone was so great that it moved the supreme beings above, a spectrum of 7 colors splashed across the azure sky and at the end of the rainbow laid a $2 note waiting to be picked up.

The first lesson was economic lecture, our lecturer too, was in a wonderful mood, by smiling broadly and appreciating those few who happened to walk in front of her. The concepts of demand and supply were also well illustrated by her cold jokes.

Next, is PE, we had an interesting intra-class basketball match, i felt so joyful and juvenile! It was like a whole bunch of little kids running about carefreely and happily.

After that were Bio lecture, Chemistry lecture and finally Bio Lab, and as I am sure all of you had been paying attention closely to these periods, I shall not touch on that.

Finally, I shall end the day with a very funny valentine day flash shortstory. Its about the love between two chicks and the fight against...
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